Hi World! I have started this blog as a platform for obtaining good, honest (not paid for) reviews of books written by indie authors. Writing the book is easy compared to getting it out there! Authors can submit their own description of their book here, or you can ask me to read and review it for you.

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Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Kolaches - Amazing and Easy!

Let's start with one of mine...

Kolaches - Amazing & Easy is a nice little cookbook with a personal and historic touch.  I was raised in the the Texas "Czech-belt" so I took kolaches for granted most of my life... "Doesn't EVERYONE make these?"

I created 7 videos that go along with the book plus the book itself is full of photos.  There is no reason even the most timid baker could not master these!

Many kitchen warriors prefer to "hold" a cookbook, so instead of getting the Kindle eBook version, get the print version from CreatSpace.  This is a perfect stocking-stuffer for anyone!